(episode 14) mom, sit down. sit and wait. malicious girl. what happened to your usual quick thinking? i was trying to be quick on my feet. but dad was yelling at me to tell him. you could've played dumb. suho's in for it because of you. what will you do?
he'll probably study after a good beating. tell me the truth! pathetic punk. was cheating the best you could do? i said i didn't cheat! why won't you believe me? i swear i didn't! seeing how adamant suho is, he's not lying.
forget about all this and get a job. i won't let you be an idle bum anymore. do you think it's easy getting a job these days? it's harder than plucking a star from the sky. then work for me and learn to make doenjang. you're telling me to wear a work suit and smell the stench of doenjang all my life? no. then what will you do?
i said i'd start a business. that's what i'll do! fine. what kind of business? tell me. don't you feel anything when you see your brother? he built a business off our eatery in a recession. what have you done in the meantime? all you've done is squander money, drink, and fight. learn from your brother and be half the man he is. suhyeon is suhyeon, and i'm me! stop comparing me to him!
did i ask you to make me like this? why didn't you pass down better genes? you and mom gave me a dumb brain, so why blame me? could it be that i'm not your son? what... what? it's just weird! suhyeon and sumin are smart, but i'm not. and i look nothing like them.
shouldn't we do a paternity test? why, you... how dare you? - stop it, dad. / - let go. - stop. / - let go! he needs a beating. how dare you? please stop it! please! how dare you come in here and raise your voice? you threaten to beat him at every chance.
why are you being ignorant, resorting to violence? what? ignorant? that's right. ignorant. will beating up a grown man do any good? sumin, report your father for assault. beating your own child is an offense these days! why are you making this worst? take her out of here. mom, let's go. suhyeon is here.
let go! if you beat up suho, i'll call the police right away. what a dysfunctional family. yes, indeed. it's only been a week. you gave me 2 months. i'll get the certification by then, so beat me then if you must. fine. that came out of your own mouth.
are things going well with chaewon? yes. then don't drag it out. just get married already. what's the rush? you're going on a blind date. you'll get a text with the details tomorrow. how can you unilaterally inform me of this? shouldn't you ask for my opinion? consider it your filial duty.
filial duty isn't that complicated. you do right by your parents by marrying and working when you're of age. welcome. mom. why did you come here? i stopped by on my way to the market. how is eunho? he went out.
when? i don't know, since he left without a word. he didn't call you? he must be very upset. just leave him alone for the time being. right. mom, for dinner tonight... i'm getting acorn jelly. you're a mind reader.
eunho likes it. that's right. oh? laundry service. yes, of course. we do deliveries. can i come in the evening? yes, okay. they never asked for deliveries before. was the driver fired?
i'm going to see mr. yun. are you expecting a call? huh? no. check these supplies. okay. he's given up already? contest schedule and details. this is good. let's proceed as is. inform cooking schools nationwide
and post it on our website right away. - yes, sir. / - good. - you can go. / - okay. hello? this is kim bitna. oh, i was just about to call you. you called yesterday, right? i wasn't asleep. i was with someone. what time's good?
where? mr. pickled daikon, i won't take it anymore if someone throws a curveball at my life. and if you won't take it? hey, stop right there! hey. the more i think about it, the madder i am. pickled daikon? wait. pickled daikon? pickled daikon, salty. aflatoxins, toxic.
darn it. what a piece of work she is! hey, suho. how about private lessons? i'm too busy to give private lessons. i can't. good grief. that's not what i mean. wouldn't it be better to study with a good tutor to pass the test? there are tutors for something like this? who?
i'll have to ask around. are you interested? maybe. (seeking novel recipes for korean food globalization) special first-place prize. a job opportunity after a 3-month internship? yun family foods... so play up fermented sauces, right? there's doenjang, soy sauce, and gochujang...
make delicious history. pardon? the cook's history seeps into his or her knife. if you go to an old restaurant, you always see an aged knife with a handle wrapped in cloth. oh, i see. thank you. - here. / - thank you. i'm broke now, so what will i do? he'll break my legs.
whatever. i'll worry about it later. my goodness, i'm tired. excuse me. ow! that hurts. hey, lady. it was you, right? geez. why did you assault my leg? are you kidding me? they say even a crooked mouth should talk straight.
your elephant trunk crushed my belly, lady. oh, my god. wow. wow. lady? do i look that old to you? seeing how defensive you are, that must be the case. younger women don't get worked up. you're a piece of work.
i am a younger woman. you assaulted me for putting my leg on your huge, thick waist? you're falsely accusing me. i didn't assault you! ow, my leg. i might have to go to the hospital. what? the hospital? let's go.
if you're not hurt, you'll go to jail for fraud, so let's go. come on. forget about it. i want to lead a refined life, so stop making a racket, and cut it out. so you really are a fraud. oh, my god. a fraud? did you see me conning anyone?
seeing how you're covering your face, you must be guilty of something. then did you cover your face in black because you're dark and sinister inside? let's see that face of yours. then i'll know if you're young or old. fine. but show me yours, too. isn't that only fair?
we'll do it on the count of 3 then. okay. 1, 2, 3. - seonyeong. / - sunjeong. what in the world are you doing here? seonyeong... sunjeong. sunjeong! so you believed everything that man said and gave him all that money?
oh, i'm appalled. have you gone mad? no matter how smitten, how could you do that? why didn't you consult us first? you're a real fool! it's just that aunt sunjeong is trusting. what could i do when he was out to con me? we set the date, and he gave me wedding jewels. he said he was short on money
to get us a house that was on sale for cheap. would you not have chipped in, seonyeong? i thought the house would be ours, so i did it. but at least you got wedding jewels. where are they? the thing is... they're fake. what? get out.
get out of my house right now! beomgyu. why do you keep causing such trouble? how often have i told you to come to your senses? i'm sorry. what's keeping you? kick her out. you brought her here, so you get her out! why take it out on me? kick her out yourself.
come here. seonyeong! - dad, stop it! / - seonyeong, help me! - let go! let go of me! / - seonyeong, help me! come. come. come. beomgyu! beomgyu... beomgyu, i have nowhere to go. beomgyu, you're the only blood relation i have. if this how you'll act, i'll go and kill myself!
i know how big a disappointment i've been to you and mom. that's why i want to prove myself, but it just hasn't worked out! mom! mom. please take me, mom! ms. choi, are you okay? why can't you drive properly? are you accident-free because you never drove?
find us uncongested roads instead of holding us up in traffic. it's rush hour, so it's congested everywhere. leave them there. yes, ma'am. don't come in. you won't be needed as of tomorrow. pardon? ms. choi. you're out, okay?
i don't know what i did wrong, but please give me another chance. i don't go back on my word, so don't cause a racket and leave quietly. ms. choi, i'm sorry. ms. choi! mr. park. don't worry, and just go home for the day. i'll try putting in a good word for you. dr. kim, thank you.
hello, mr. park. are you just getting back? oh, my. she changed drivers again. who are you? you're the guy here, right? you must be new. here's the cleaned laundry. she should be nicer. no one can be exactly to her liking.
even family can irk you sometimes. isn't that right, mister? good night. be careful. i heard the lady here is very mean and demanding. you didn't know, right? i heard if you displease her, she'll fire you on the spot. the guy before you got the axe in just 2 months.
so be tactful and cautious around her. don't get on her nerves, and cater to her whims even if you don't want to. what are you doing? teaching you how to survive by being inconspicuous. mind your own business. if you don't know anything, you shouldn't talk behind someone's back. watch your mouth.
whatever. i was only being nice and warning him. he probably won't last long, either. so what if he's nice? he's bad at his job. i'm back. oh, hi. why are you bringing those in? i told the housekeeper to get them. i saw them on my way in.
mother. if mr. park didn't do anything terrible, can't you give him another chance? did he ask you to talk to me? at his initial interview, he said his wife was very ill. her treatment must be costly. cut him some slack. i'll think about it.
suhyeon. - you're here. / - yes. - two doenjang stews. / - sure. do you know where we are? of course. a business survey and a date all in one. it's nice not to waste time. so it was you who introduced yourself to my mom? did she ask you?
then i was 50% successful. in catching her attention. pacing is an issue when i eat with men. take your time. it doesn't bother me. i'm done. shall we go out for coffee? sounds good. i'll pay for dinner. you can get the coffee.
hey, suhyeon. mother, how are you? fine. you're back. did you come together? mother, i was sad that i'd miss you, so i'm happy you're here. you are? i'm happy to see you again too. why bring her here instead of a nicer place?
i asked to come here. your doenjang stew is delicious. i'm floored... oh, no. - we're sorry. / - we're sorry. it's okay. don't worry, and enjoy your dinner. - this is an expensive purse. / - i'm sorry. oh, what am i going to do?
good heavens. what a terrible shame. suhyeon, you got this for me. i'll get you another one just like it. don't. why waste money like that? there's a dry cleaner my grandma uses. they're very good. i bet they'll get that stain out. i'll ask grandma and let you know.
i'd be grateful if you did, miss. please call me bitna. but still... if i see you again, i will then. let's get going. mother, take care. i'll be in touch. okay. see you again. - i'm off. see you at home. / - okay. - goodbye. / - bye.
thank you. they make a great pair. - who was that? / - you startled me. who? a younger college alumna. it'd be great to have a daughter-in-law like her. are you nuts? why? what nonsense, when suhyeon has a girlfriend. what about sunjeong?
she had dinner and went to sleep like a baby. he sure cherishes that little sister of his. i'm certain that she's interested in suhyeon... i had a hard time after you went back to korea. i see. you're too aloof. i'm being very serious. what am i supposed to say? i feel for you. show some interest in me.
time for a question. why am i back in korea? you said you were transferred to korea. i applied. i wanted to come. because you missed your family? are you playing dumb, or do you really not know? what is it? tell me. yun suhyeon. the answer to my question is yun suhyeon.
i'm so embarrassed. being too aggressive can be off-putting. i like you. you're joking, right? does it still seem like i'm joking? i became doubly sure when i saw you yesterday. i love you. hello. nice to meet you. hello.
wow, you're very beautiful. you look like you're a natural beauty. wow. do i come across that way? i got a little help from modern medicine, but i guess it came out well. double eyelid surgery, nose filler, and botox in the chin. oh. and a forehead implant. looks natural, right?
yes, sure. right. i heard you're a doctor. the work is taxing, right? it was when i was at a general hospital, but i can't even make ends meet now. nevertheless, you're a doctor. i'm sure you earn way more than most. how much do you make? i'm kidding. just kidding.
i hear plastic surgery is popular these days. what's your specialization? you weren't told? urology. what was that? urology. u-ro-lo-gy. so you mean... you're a woman who specializes in urology? then you must have seen a lot of male parts.
urologists treat kidneys, bladders, urethras, and male reproductive organs, so how could i not have? you must've seen them all. your question is too vulgar to warrant an answer, but i'll oblige you. i've seen every nook and cranny of countless male parts in age groups ranging from age 1 to 70. what exactly do you want to know?
for a woman to... do you think it's something to flaunt? it sounds like you've seen quite a few. i obviously didn't just see them. oh. if you're worried about size or power, come and see me anytime. i'll treat you. are you serious? size or power?
people might think... i'm a very well-endowed man, okay? and a woman should have some shame. good grief. i can't believe this. he acts like he's all that, but the way he thinks is pathetic. i've never met a warm, intelligent man in korea. monitor, o monitor. please show me.
you'll show me. yes, you will. yes, you will! darn it. why did you put those stinky things in my face? i told you not to leave them inside out. why won't you listen when i ask so much? uri does the same thing because of you. i won't do it again. please just put them in the wash.
you can turn them the right way now. good grief. what do i do with these? put them in the washing machine. you, too. hey, park uri, don't take after me, and do things right like nara. you shouldn't leave your socks inside out. don't you do that, okay?
the men of this family are exhausting. let's make history together. oh, right. the contest. fermented sauces. tasting our fermented sauces. but they're salty. you'll end up filling up on water. which would be best? say, eunsu.
yes? what is it, grandma? that... um... well... what's the matter? you know when you had to quit being a teacher... are you okay? i'm fine. i've forgotten all about it. you have? good then. but why are you asking me all of a sudden?
huh? when you get old, you often think of the past. don't worry about it. carry on. dang, it's salty. even if you criticize me for money-grubbing, i want to wear a diamond ring, too. can you buy me one? you called for a rent-a-driver, right?
- yes. / - thank you. i run a restaurant during the day, but business is terrible these days. i don't know how to pay the staff. - say, mister. / - pardon? how much do you earn a day? i just earn a little. how much? just a little.
i might have to be a rent-a-driver at night. sir? i'm very sad tonight. my wife... you see, my wife... let's go to the river. hey, the thing is, i thought about this a lot, and i think i really love you. so can't you stay with me tonight?
sir, we're almost there, right? no. please just continue driving. - oh, okay. / - it's too late already. i'll take you home early tomorrow. it's a left here. mister, don't turn on the gps. i'm a human gps, a human gps. straight. just go straight, okay? - a man must go straight. / - okay.
hey, twerp. this isn't the right way. go the way i told you to. just like i told you. that's what i'm doing. who are you to talk back to me? hey, numskull, drive properly, will you? i told you to go straight. straight. just look ahead, twerp. hey, what's this?
what happened here? my car. what will you do about my car? what will you do about this?
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