hi, bee!/ hi. bas, this is your omelette. i hope you like it. thank you./ you're welcome. are you still drowsy? not realiy, just a little bit. bee! bee, are you okay? it's okay,you can go back to sleep.
i'm okay. i want to stay hereuntil you finish your breakfast. i can eat my breakfaston my way to the office. i'm afraid i'll be stuck in trafficif i don't go now. just finish your breakfast./i've already done eating. alright, i'm going then./ okay. love you!/i love you more, bastian. no, i love you much more! i love you much much more, bastian. no, i love you much much much...
let's cut it out, okay?i'm so sleepy. you can go to work now.take care. okay, i'm leaving now./ yes. please come in. why does bastian go to workon saturday? no, he doesn't go to work.he has a seminar in bandung. that's so far from here./yes, far enough. actually, i need your favor. i have a wedding reception,but adi doesn't have a suit.
so, may i borrow bastian's? sure. wait a second,i'll go get his suit./ okay. here you go, angel.i hope it fits adi. thank you.this is a fancy suit. you're welcome. why are you sleepy at this time?what did you do last night? were you "busy" last night?/no, not that. i see, you were busy last night./no, i wasn't busy last night. so, what did you do?did you have a fight?
no, i have to take care of.../did you have a fight? i have something.../it's okay. just tell me everything. what happened? maybe i can helpyou./ no, it's not about a fight. really, we weren't quarreling.yesterday i just have... i'm late./ yesterdayi just have.../ i'm late. thank you for the suit./ yes, sure. is it a problem if i wearthese clothes? is it not allowed? this is cool, you know. cool?/ of course./ we aregoing to a wedding reception...
...not a poem readingby soedjiwo tejo. go change your clothes! i don't think bastian's suitwill fit me. it's obvious thati'm taller than him. i don't think thatthis suit will fit me. how come you be so sure?/don't be mrs. know-it-all. you are mr. know-it-all.i've been your wife for 10 years. i know your size more thanyourself. okay? so, if i say this one will fit you,it means it fits. here you go.
i know my size. don't laugh at me. are you happy now? look at the outfit.what do you think? i told you it won't fit. i think it is a little bitsmall for you. it is too small for me. not just a little bit,but this is way too small. angel, this is too tight for me.
angel, i can't bend my body.see? i can't bend more than this. the back of the suit might ripif i force it. i can only lift my armto this level. how can i eat and drinkif i can't move? besides when i sit... ...i can't breathe. so, what do you think?it's better if i just stay at home. no way.okay, here is what you'll do. when you're at the party,don't sit,...
...don't bend your body,just stand still like this. that's so simple. easy for you to say! hello, bas. what's up? (my honey bee. i'm sorryfor disturbing your sleep.) (i thought i left my wallet.you aren't sleeping, right?) (if you're not sleeping,would you mind to check it now?) (but, if you're so sleepy,you don't have to do it.) (but, i'm pretty sure thatmy wallet is on the sofa.)
(but that is if you have time.i'm afraid someone took it.) (but, it's all up to you.whatever you think is better.) (bee, you're looking for it, right?) wait a second,i'm still searching. i find it. yes, bas.i'm holding your wallet now. well, i'm going back to sleepright now. okay? it's safe with me. bye. oh god, let me sleep for a momentwithout anyone bothering me.
bintang. bintang! wait! don't sit. you're not allowed to sit. why do you eat that cake? it's just a slice of cake. it'll make your stomach full. youcan eat a whole cake at the party. you can't enjoy the food thereif you're full. i'll keep this for tomorrow, okay?
i'm starving. i haven't eaten sincemorning because i waited for you. i just want to apply my perfume. i think you should go to bintang'shouse and change the suit. i knocked the door,but she didn't open it. now, go to her house. quick! di! bintang!/okay, adi. wait a second. bintang!/i hear you. wait a second.
bintang,does bastian have a bigger suit? this one is too small for me. it's hard for me to move. he doesn't have a bigger one? thank you so much!
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