(episode 11) kim bitna is back. oh my god. sorry. oh no. it's okay. wow, the same scarf. i heard this is the "it" accessory these days. your taste in fashion is just as good as mine.
you know it's limited edition, right? wow. there's another one there. i'm so in tune with the latest trends. fantastic. it's been so many years. the smell of garlic of korea. so i'm really home. hi, korea. huh? hey!
hurry up. is the car out front? what is this? did she throw it away or just drop it? score! i'm going now. just stay instead of wasting travel time. it'll be lunchtime soon. i have a lot to do at home.
i'm the wife of the owner of yun family foods. have the staff do the menial work from now on. there's no such thing as menial work. all work is important and serves a purpose. if i stay, i'll only make the staff uncomfortable. it's like i'm keeping an eye on them. enough of your slyness. they all know us and are like family. why would they be uncomfortable?
don't think of lazing around at home. you must stay active the older you get. there's a lot to do at home. there's a heap of laundry. and how many rooms? just cleaning the living room and bathrooms take all day. it's what all women do. why the fuss?
you're so old-fashioned. go see how others live. these days, men do all the housekeeping. why would men do that? i don't know why i waste my breath. welcome. what would you like? doenjang stew? cheonggukjang stew? i'll have the doenjang stew.
one doenjang stew. okay. it's $7. it was very good, like suhyeon said. you know suhyeon? yes. he's my college upperclassman. he raved about your doenjang stew in the us. i wanted to have this first when i came to korea, so i came straight here from the airport, mother.
you must know suhyeon well. yes, we are... what are you doing? right. i'm on it. okay. what would you like? two doenjang stews. where's mr. park? he'll be right here. why does he take all day for lunch?
it's miss bitna. what kind of nonsense is that? are you seeing things? how can bitna be here and in the states too? i swear. it's really miss bitna. grandma. oh my goodness. what's going on here? are you startled? of course i'm startled.
why didn't you call? i would've come to get you at the airport. i wanted to surprise you. grandma, i missed you so much. my pumpkin. i missed you very much too. it's so nice to see you. i'm happy too. cancel today's outing.
are you sure? of course. sit, sit. my goodness. i was planning to go shopping to go see you in the us next week. you should've called first. what if i wasn't there? you don't say. i was planning to surprise you too. so does your dad know?
no. i'm going to the hospital later. grandma, don't call him. i won't. looks you're tired because of jet lag. a bit. you're tired. we'll talk later, so go get some sleep first. i should go see dad first. you can go after a nap.
your room's clean because it's cleaned every day. go on up. go. mom, you missed me a lot, right? i missed you too. don't worry. i'm no longer an 18-year-old girl. i won't run away again. mr. yun suhyeon, wait just a bit. (organic traditional doenjang)
it came out very well. good job. (yun family doenjang) as you know, handmade mastery is our selling point. stick to the set ingredient ratios and be very fastidious about hygiene. yes, sir. check the country of origin of the beans and salt. of course. we check with every shipment.
great. keep up the good work. i brought the newly released miso doenjang and an assortment of other bestsellers. by the way, the instant doenjang soup is good too. it's something to think about. very well. i'll take these to the r&d team. open recipe contest? yes. what do you think of a doenjang and gochujang-based
recipe contest to aid the spread of korean cuisine? tv food shows are popular, so people are interested in cooking. yes. it would be great advertising and publicity. we have an investor relations presentation too. okay. let's do it. very well. but the crux of the contest should be novel recipes that
break free from existing dishes. what about prizes? we don't have any specifics yet, but what about gift certificates or our products for all contestants? wouldn't a special first-place prize be better? the prize will be a job opportunity after a three-month internship. that's a good idea.
keep up the good work then. hello? suhyeon, it's me. how was the business trip to japan? i couldn't call as i was so busy. i'm sorry. i can't see you today due to my work backlog. thank you for being understanding. gukmin corporation hasn't called yet?
what's taking them so long to make their picks? should i give them a call? okay. i'll wait. should we meet for dinner? i'll be there when you get off work. i have an engagement. hyeji's getting married. i'll call you later. the recipe contest got the green light.
really? mr. yun wants us to move fast, so step on it. (mr. oh eunho, you didn't make the final cut) (we regret that you won't be able to join us) (submit application) there's not even a week left. coffee first. let's see.
just when i'm trying to study. what? i'm at home. listen. i'm very busy right now. what? you saw jongmin? huh? where are you going? um... my car. i remembered i left my car. - i'll be right back. / - hey, hey.
i couldn't ask as your dad was around. where's the money? what money? the business capital. i loaned it to a friend. you said you needed it to start your business, so why'd you loan it? which friend? a friend. you don't know him.
tell me the truth. you squandered it all, didn't you? no. i was really going to start a business. then why'd you loan it to a friend? i have a call. bye. hey. that punk. hurry back before your dad gets home. hello? who's this?
seonyeong, don't you recognize my voice? it's sunjeong. sunjeong. i was going to call as you hadn't called in a while. how are you? how's the wedding planning? shouldn't i come help you? pardon? money? i went broke getting furniture for the new place.
please wire me money as soon as possible. why didn't you call your brother? okay, fine. fine. i can't send you a lot. it's like i'm holding her money for her. she's always asking for money. (min urology clinic) there was a mosquito. you didn't get bitten, right?
no. no patients, only mosquitoes. we'll have to shut down at this rate. it's only been a week since we opened. dr. yun, hang in there. i hate people who are like mosquitoes, which do nothing but suck people's blood. i detest people like that too. you know you are the face of this clinic, right?
how frustrating. he can't take a hint. did i really pick the wrong specialization? where's jongmin? geez, dude. couldn't you have taken two minutes longer? was there no traffic? we bet on whether you'd make it in 30 minutes. where is he?
i was told he was spotted in pangyo. you were told? hey! do you think this is funny? seongchan said he thought it was jongmin. are you guys going to keep driving me up the wall? if i catch that twerp jongmin, i'll crush him into dust. i can't believe i call you guys friends. suho, i'm so sorry.
i'll pay you back later. the phone is off. connecting to voicemail. darn it! you freaking son of a witch! i'm going to kill you! that way is dangerous. you'll hurt yourself. don't stick the tips of your fingers out. gently gather your fingers in like you're holding an egg and place them on the food.
that's how you prevent injury. here. look. ma'am? i'm heading out first. you're leaving? there's a company dinner gathering. wait and we'll go together. it's friday. i work friday, saturday, and sunday.
oh, right. okay. see you on monday. - okay, bye. / - bye. wow, how magnificent. (hwang taecheol's pieces on sale until month ends) they look deliciously handsome. wait just a bit more. i'll take you home with me. sir, you cannot sell these.
i'm buying them at the end of the month. okay. i won't. seems i woke you. no. i was going to get up. - what time is it? / - 7:30. already? that was a long nap. why didn't you wake me? what about dad?
not here yet. he should be home soon. that must be him. let's go. dr. kim. i'm back. dad, you're home. bitna. what's going on, mother? i don't know.
she showed up out of the blue. i was floored too. i don't know how long it's been. with all three of us here, this big house seems full. yes, it does. here, bitna. have this. it's your favorite. grandma, you enjoy too.
i will. dad, you too. thanks. it's delicious. my goodness. look how overjoyed you are. are you that happy to see bitna? of course i'm very happy. they call folks like you daughter-crazed, right? whenever your dad missed you,
he held your photo tight. i think he cried his eyes out too. when? i never did such a thing. i have eyes too. how could you have had peace of mind after sending your child far away? so when are you returning to the states? i'll come with you to the states. we should book our tickets.
so when? grandma. dad. i'm not going to the states. you're not? did you quit your job? i was transferred to the korea office. you did? so you'll be staying in korea for good, right? we should have a drink to celebrate.
right, mother? yes, yes. excuse me. yes? i'd like to pay. just a moment. here you are. keep the change. nice dinner. thank you.
thank you. please come again. it's been ages since we ordered. why isn't our food here yet? it'll be ready soon. please wait just a bit more. same here. we've been waiting a very long time. when will we get our food?
i'll go find out and let you know. sir, the patrons are complaining about the wait. is something wrong in the kitchen? the orders are backing up too. the sous-chef hasn't called and isn't here. the prep cook doesn't know anything. the chef is frazzled since he has to do everything. this is a nightmare.
should i help then? oh, right. i forgot you were a cook. yes. thank you. there it is. girl, stop showing off. i'm green with envy. huh? oh, this. i'm just strength-training my finger.
try wearing a 1.5-carat ring. it's really heavy since i'm not used to it. wonder what the weather's like in western europe. that's where we're going on our honeymoon. lucky gal. you must've saved up good karma in your past life. i think my dowry is my lucky charm. my parents-in-law were so happy when we told them.
when i go to my in-laws' home, they won't let me lift a finger and treat me like a princess, something my parents never did. plus, seungyu's a fourth-generation only son. is the place in seocho-dong a lease? no. of course we own it. my father-in-law got it in my name and seungyu's. for your information though, it's a bit small. 1600 square feet.
hey, aren't you getting married? you and eunho have dated for a long time. is eunho's family well off? your in-laws are more important than your husband. they live in pyeongchang-dong. they do? then you won't have to worry too much about money. then just marry him. the longer you date, the more the woman loses out.
the only things you gain are age and wrinkles. listen. we're pushing 30. we're planning to get married next year. eunho got a job at gukmin corporation. he got the job? congratulations. i heard getting a job there was impossible, but i guess that's not true for a hanguk grad. eunho and i agreed not to ask our parents for money,
so getting a job was our first priority. that's why we had to wait on our wedding. oh. speak of the devil. it's eunho. (it's late. i'll come pick you up) he said he's coming to pick me up since it's dangerous at night. we wanted to drop you off,
but he's held up due to a fender bender. you guys should go ahead. okay. we're off. bye. take care. she nabs some rich guy, and now that pathetic thing is showing off. why did you come? i told you not to. i missed you.
i haven't seen you for a few days. let's hurry up and go. what happened to your face? huh? oh, this. there was an incident at the bar last night. put your seatbelt on. should we go on a trip this winter? should we go to sokcho to see the winter sea?
it's way too cold for that. let's go somewhere warm. jeju-do? overseas. i want to go to danang or boracay. how much is it? at least $1,500 to stay at a decent hotel. per person? that goes without saying.
but at least it's warm this winter. i heard there was going to be a cold wave. not the weather. in my heart. because my honey pie got a job. i showed off to the girls to no end. i had nothing else to flaunt. what's gukmin's entry-level annual pay? huh? i'm not sure. must be at least $40,000 or $50,000, right?
a combined income of $100,000 is a pipe dream. your mom will buy us a place when we marry, right? hey. let's have coffee. i said i wanted coffee. there's a coffee shop we always go to. let's just go to a convenience store. i'm thirsty. i know he wanted to get his coupon book stamped. so annoying.
what does our new tenant do? who knows? i didn't ask. you should've asked since he'll be living with us. he looked honest and clean-cut. i'm so forgetful. did the money come in? i was going to ask but forgot. yes, the entire balance. i used that to pay off eunho's student loan
and part of our mortgage because of the interest. where did eunho go this late? he said he needed some fresh air. he's dejected after two big job rejections. maybe it's the upcoming announcement, but he seems anxious. i'm sure he'll get it this time. why's he worried?
if not eunho, who'd get it? you and i really think highly of eunho. want the lights off if you're going to bed? suho? i told you. he's holed up in his room studying. he said not to bother him until after the test. what about sumin? she said she'd be home soon.
tell her to mind her curfew. midnight. our eldest is back. you must be tired from the business trip. why didn't you come home sooner? did things go well in japan? i see. good job. go and unwind. do you want to talk?
i forgot your gift in the car. i'll give it to you in the morning. sure. never mind that. are you dating someone? what are you talking about? a young lady came to the restaurant today. she seemed to know you very well. she said she's a college friend and called me mother. what did she say her name was?
i couldn't ask because patrons flooded in. her face was pretty, with no signs of hardship. she had big round eyes and a defined nose. she looked very sophisticated. doesn't ring a bell? i'm not sure. my hunch is that she didn't come just for stew. ma'am, we're almost there. it's that hotel, right?
yes. pull up to the lobby door. yes, ma'am. to the lobby door. oh, no. my pouch. please turn around right away. yes, ma'am. how may i help you? did you see my pouch i left here? no, i didn't. no lost article was reported.
are you sure you left it here? i put it here after i fixed my makeup. oh, right. that woman. there was a waitress who settled my bill. but i don't see her. did she make a run for it already? just a moment. let me check. she said she lost her wallet. no, i didn't see it.
it's you, right? pardon? you stole my money. give me back my money.
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